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Subject: RE:PAR pattern flashing
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>on 18-Aug-95 05:32:31, Ken VanBrocklin (kvanbroc@ATK.COM) Emailed:
>> I read in the PAR doc's you can export a bad anim using the YUV export
>> function, and then re-import at a lower block limit using YUV import. I
>> haven tried this yet, but It it might save you some re-rendering time if
>> it works.
>This is a great feature for "fixing" PAR anims that no longer play back
>smoothly due to the drive getting filled up,
I believe this ONLY works IF the image is visible on a frame by frame
basis, but will not play back legibly.
Which is better than nothing,---far, far better.
OTOH, I think if the frames are toast frame by frame, you're hosed.